Wednesday, September 20, 2017


What Is STEM?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively. STEM is an interdisciplinary and applied approach that is coupled with hands-on, problem-based learning.

STEM Literacy 

A STEM-literate student is not only an innovator and critical thinker, but is able to make meaningful connections between school, community, work and global issues. A STEM-literate high school graduate can enroll in a college-level course of study in science, technology, engineering, and math without the need for remediation. STEM skills are increasingly necessary to engage in a knowledge-based economy. There is solid evidence to suggest that the fastest-growing and highest-wage jobs in future years will be in STEM fields and all employees will need to utilize STEM skills for problem solving in a wide range of industries.

Next Step

As a result of STEM literacy,several teachers recognized that there was a need for students to be able to function in a more holistic, cross-curricular, focused atmosphere. It is this type of environment, where students can work not only with others in their classroom, but with students from four different disciplines combined together. The main focus is to solve real world problems through collaboration with others that have different knowledge and skill sets related to an identified problem. The expected outcome being students who who are more prepared to "Live, Learn, and Thrive in a global community". 

STEM Course Created

A true STEM course entitled "Collaborative STEM Investigations" will provide students with an innovative learning and hands-on application experience that covers a multidisciplinary approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics. Students will have the opportunity to work collaboratively in a focused, fun environment, while learning under the umbrella of a thematic unit (Theme for 2015/16 - Investigations and Applications in PA Forestry). Various guest speakers and industry-based field trips will be incorporated to enhance the overall course experience and allow students to directly witness careers within the field of focus.

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